Saturday, March 21, 2009

2009 February

Nice turnout of 11 players and a very, very exciting event; the final three were Emily, Cassie, and, for the second consecutive month, Tracy was in the final 3. 

Emily,10 for showing,  220 for winning, 10 apiece for taking out Tracy and Cassie, 240 points
Cassie, 10 for showing, 150 for second, 10 apiece for taking out Phillip and Joe, 170 points
Tracy, 10 for showing, 115 for third, 10 for taking out Rick M and 20 for taking out Leader Josh, 155 points
Josh, 10 for showing, 80 for 4th, 10 for taking out Kevin, 100 points
Joe, 10 for showing, 70 for 5th, 80 points
Phillip, 10 for showing, 60 for 6th, 10 each for taking out Drew and Rick F, 90 points
Kevin, 10 for showing, 50 for 7th, 10 for knocking out Stanica,  70 points
Rick Mock, 10 for showing, 40 for 8th, 40 for consolation (3rd and took out Stanica), 90 points
Rick Fox, 10 for showing, 30 for 9th, 50 for Consolation Table (2nd and took out Eric), 90 points
Drew, 10 points for showing, 20 for 10th, 25 for High Hand (Aces full of 9s) 70 for Consolation (won, took out Rick Mock and Rick Fox), 125 points
Stanica, 10 points for showing, 10 for 11th, and 10 for Consolation table, 30 points

Eric, 10 for showing, 20 for Consolation table

Overall Standings

1st: Josh Nelson, 520 points*
2nd, Tracy Barton, 405 points*
3rd, Drew Barton and Emily Barton, 310 points*

5th, Mark Bissell, 215 points
6th, Kevin Bissell and Joe Nelson, 220 points*

8th, Phillip Barton, 210 points*
9th, Cassie Bissell, 170 points
10th, Becky Jesse, 125 points

11th, Chad, 110 points
12th, Kenneth Barton, 100 points and Rick Fox, 100 points*

14th, Rick Mock, 90 points

15th, Tim Nelson, 80 points

16th, Chris Jesse, 50 points

17th, Shelley, 40 points
18th, Andrew Bissell and Stanica Barton, 30 points

20th, Eric Hill and Derrick Harr, 20 points

("*" means perfect attendance and reflects 20 points for attendance in month two. Every month a player maintains perfect attendance, they receive a 10 point bonus in the final scores. Rick Fox gets it because he has attended both months, even though he did not play in January).